Dogon Kanaga Masks

Dogon Kanaga Masks
Mali, ca. 20th century. Two miniature wood Kanaga masks from the Dogon people. The act of carving Kanaga masks holds as much spiritual significance as the rituals in which the masks are worn. Traditionally, the full-size masks are worn at dama, a collective funerary rite for Dogon men. The ritual ensures the safe passage of the spirits of the deceased to the world of the ancestors. The ceremony is organized by members of Awa, a male initiation society with ritual and political roles within Dogon society. As part of the public rites related to death and remembrance, Awa society members are responsible for the creation and performance of the masks. Each in good vintage condition with black wood display base. Dimensions: Contact RESIDE. Item: 1000-7793. Price listed is per item.
Please note: Low mask has sold. Tall mask remains.